Three and one small

Three and one small

Three oak branches and one Chinese elder. The height is about 50 cm. Abruzzo, 2024

The First Runners of 2024. The material is three oak branches, a sprig of Chinese elderberry.

From a large pile of branches, I chose three figures that fit so exactly to each other that I had to add a fourth on one leg so that there was no perfect rhythm, as in regular parks.

The first

The first

Running (Escaping), 2021
A large one and two small ones

A large one and two small ones

Running (Escaping), 2023
Two and a small one

Two and a small one

Running (Escaping), 2023
The wild ones are running

The wild ones are running

Running (Escaping), 2023
Monsters are running

Monsters are running

Running (Escaping), 2023
Running with leaves

Running with leaves

Running (Escaping), 2023
Three forest dwellers

Three forest dwellers

Running (Escaping), 2023
The forest ones don't run anymore

The forest ones don't run anymore

Running (Escaping), 2023