Collages, 2012. This series contains 9 pairs of letters.
Once I thought: what if Giorgio Morandi had painted a painting like Matisse? Or else: if he had written a letter to Matisse?
Getting carried away, he received a whole correspondence between Morandi and his contemporaries, many of whom he hardly even knew.
This is my first series of collages. Then, in 2012, I tried my best to keep myself from painting, believing that my business was graphics. But that was not the case: colored pieces of paper turned out to be a much more picturesque material than anything I mixed with oil on canvas thirty years before.
All correspondence is fiction, but the connections found in it are the pure truth.
This series is one of my favorites. And maybe the most picturesque of all that I have done.
All the details of collages are sewn on to the background by paper strips; sometimes in exactly the same color, sometimes deliberately contrasting. The material used is paper colored in a “substance”, or gouache-painted paper, or paper hand-made in Italy, Germany and Thailand.