Sow thistle: letters on the wind 

Sow thistle: letters on the wind 

32x24 cm, ink, pen. August 8, 2011
The paper edges are important. Black blot is stuck on the right. Thin strokes are flying away behind the upper edge. It was a very hot August. The sow thistle flocks formed a ten-centimetres thick layer on the waste land of Kurkino.
Someone passed here in the morning, may be with a dog

Someone passed here in the morning, may be with a dog

Notes on the grass, 2011


Notes on the grass, 2011
They call it here a landscape. Will not be unseen till tomorrow.

They call it here a landscape. Will not be unseen till tomorrow.

Notes on the grass, 2011
Yes, here, now.

Yes, here, now.

Notes on the grass, 2011
There may be forest there, further… But far and snow comes up to the waist

There may be forest there, further… But far and snow comes up to the waist

Notes on the grass, 2011
An evening alert

An evening alert

Notes on the grass, 2011



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