My Moscow 2019 map 50x70 cm Ivory
  • My Moscow 2019 map 50x70 cm Ivory

My Moscow 2019 map 50x70 cm Ivory

Format 50x70 cm. Printed on Fabriano paper (ivory). 2019

The updated map My Moscow 2019 with all the streets and alleys inside the Garden Ring. There are 164 points of interest on the map, set by the Muscovites themselves. Compared to My Moscow in 2013, 35 new points have been added, and those that have ceased to be relevant have been removed. And the typography has been greatly updated (with the participation of two new Moscow fonts, Stoleshnikov and Lenivka). Finally, all the ornaments used on the map are new.

Daria Litvak helped me work on the map.

Цена: 3000 P

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