Before it snows. A chance for happiness in the black season
Before it snows. A chance for happiness in the black season
Qalam, pen, drawing ink. Format 24x18 cm
There come dark days in November, when it looks like spring instead of autumn.
My pictures as a rule should be read from right to left. The composition rolls into the same direction as the letters run.
Manalone (Man alone), 2011
The blind
Manalone (Man alone), 2011
The blind dog
Manalone (Man alone), 2011
The Loss
Manalone (Man alone), 2011
Manalone (Man alone), 2011
He who lost a coin in the rain
Manalone (Man alone), 2011
Nothing in common
Manalone (Man alone), 2011
Manalone (Man alone), 2011
The Snow
Manalone (Man alone), 2012
Escaping from the snow
Manalone (Man alone), 2012
Each tree embraces the air as it wills
Manalone (Man alone), 2012
The Wine of the Solitary
Manalone (Man alone), 2012
The Night Rain
Manalone (Man alone), 2012
a stand-by on April
Manalone (Man alone), 2012
A Pilot
Manalone (Man alone), 2013
He who saw the sky
Manalone (Man alone), 2013
Manalone (Man alone), 2013
Manalone (Man alone), 2013
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