The Snow

The Snow

Qalam, pen, drawing ink. Format 24x18 cm
I pictured myself looking through the window while the snow was writing its “mene, tekel, upharsin” on the walls of the neighbouring houses, cross-hatching them in white. White flakes plotting across the pale-grey sky their typical layer mask. And everything that can not be covered by snow was blacking out... I was just performing a usual artistic task of drawing by white gaps...In the same way as I omitted the stars in the picture of a night satyr. Nevertheless certain images are launching certain associations “A poet is driven by his verse” – especially when a poet is working a la prima as a jazz man catching hold of a theme, sometimes alien to him, but driving it in an instant impulsive illumination. All this “white on white” is wonderfully beautiful, and never dull for me – I am waiting for the spring “the way a young lover frets while counting the minutes to a secret tryst”☺. Sort of impatiently, yes, but without desperation – as a secret tryst implies “certainty”. Cortázar’s Lucas was fond of defending viewpoints quite distant from his own outlooks. This is exactly the point of the picture.))
Before it snows. A chance for happiness in the black season

Before it snows. A chance for happiness in the black season

Manalone (Man alone), 2011


Manalone (Man alone), 2011
The blind

The blind

Manalone (Man alone), 2011
The blind dog

The blind dog

Manalone (Man alone), 2011
The Loss

The Loss

Manalone (Man alone), 2011


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He who lost a coin in the rain

He who lost a coin in the rain

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Nothing in common

Nothing in common

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Manalone (Man alone), 2011
Escaping from the snow

Escaping from the snow

Manalone (Man alone), 2012
Each tree embraces the air as it wills

Each tree embraces the air as it wills

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The Wine of the Solitary

The Wine of the Solitary

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The Night Rain

The Night Rain

Manalone (Man alone), 2012
a stand-by on April

a stand-by on April

Manalone (Man alone), 2012
A Pilot

A Pilot

Manalone (Man alone), 2013
He who saw the sky

He who saw the sky

Manalone (Man alone), 2013


Manalone (Man alone), 2013


Manalone (Man alone), 2013



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