He who saw the sky

He who saw the sky

Pen, drawing ink. Format 24x18 cm
Contraform in a text is everything that is not expressed directly, but still exists in the space of the work… Say, the author concentrating on the character’s feelings skips the landscape description, in which the character stays. While skipping it he still holds it in mind and narrates as though the landscape is there. This non-depicted (or rather implied) landscape becomes a contra form to the text. (from the book “The Language of composition” – not published yet)
Before it snows. A chance for happiness in the black season

Before it snows. A chance for happiness in the black season

Manalone (Man alone), 2011


Manalone (Man alone), 2011
The blind

The blind

Manalone (Man alone), 2011
The blind dog

The blind dog

Manalone (Man alone), 2011
The Loss

The Loss

Manalone (Man alone), 2011


Manalone (Man alone), 2011
He who lost a coin in the rain

He who lost a coin in the rain

Manalone (Man alone), 2011
Nothing in common

Nothing in common

Manalone (Man alone), 2011


Manalone (Man alone), 2011
The Snow

The Snow

Manalone (Man alone), 2012
Escaping from the snow

Escaping from the snow

Manalone (Man alone), 2012
Each tree embraces the air as it wills

Each tree embraces the air as it wills

Manalone (Man alone), 2012
The Wine of the Solitary

The Wine of the Solitary

Manalone (Man alone), 2012
The Night Rain

The Night Rain

Manalone (Man alone), 2012
a stand-by on April

a stand-by on April

Manalone (Man alone), 2012
A Pilot

A Pilot

Manalone (Man alone), 2013


Manalone (Man alone), 2013


Manalone (Man alone), 2013



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