From Giorgio to Pablo

From Giorgio to Pablo

paper collage, sewn on by the paper to paper. Format 44x53 cm

And here, for the first time, I painted black paper with whitewash. Later, this move will be the main one in one of the collages of the Chairs seriesIt is difficult to imagine more different artists than Morandi and Picasso. First of all, it concerns movement. Picasso is as dynamic as Morandi is calm.

But there is one painting where everything in Picasso is frozen in unstable immobility. Do you remember?It is difficult to imagine more different artists than Morandi and Picasso. First of all, it concerns movement. Picasso is as dynamic as Morandi is calm.

But there is one painting where everything in Picasso is frozen in unstable immobility. Do you remember?

And here, for the first time, I painted black paper with whitewash. Later, this move will be the main one in one of the collages of the Chairs series

From Giorgio to Henri

From Giorgio to Henri

Correspondence, 2012
From Henri to Giorgio

From Henri to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Robert

From Giorgio to Robert

Correspondence, 2012
From Robert to Giorgio

From Robert to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Alberto

From Giorgio to Alberto

Correspondence, 2012
From Alberto  to Giorgio

From Alberto to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Coz’imo

From Giorgio to Coz’imo

Correspondence, 2012
From Coz’ma – Petrov’s son — named Vodkin … to Giorgio Morandi from Bologna-burg

From Coz’ma – Petrov’s son — named Vodkin … to Giorgio Morandi from Bologna-burg

Correspondence, 2012
From Pablo to Giorgio

From Pablo to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Raoul

From Giorgio to Raoul

Correspondence, 2012
From Raoul to Giorgio

From Raoul to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Maurice

From Giorgio to Maurice

Correspondence, 2012
From Maurice to Giorgio

From Maurice to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Vassili

From Giorgio to Vassili

Correspondence, 2012
From Vassili  to Giorgio

From Vassili to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Giorgio

From Giorgio to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Giorgio (answer)

From Giorgio to Giorgio (answer)

Correspondence, 2012



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