From Giorgio to Vassili

From Giorgio to Vassili

Paper collage, sewn on by the paper to paper. Format 44x53 cm

Morandi cannot be called a symbolist, although each object in his still lifes has a character and meaning.

But here are a couple of my collages about the fictitious correspondence between Giorgio and Wassily Kandinsky, downright overflowing with interconnected signs and symbols. Perhaps even an allegory can be subtracted from there.

Or read it there.

PS from 2012

I will tell you about how I make pictures of the series Correspondence.

In particular, why this letter from Giorgio is addressed specifically to Vasily.

Morandi is the starting point. A point of calm.

His paintings are the limit of restraint and quietness. "Kitchen painting".

In each "letter" there is a chord of Morandi shapes and colors with a counterpoint from its addressee.

In each letter there are "keys" that open connections.

There are three keys in the letter to Vasily: abstraction, music, and color.

From Giorgio to Henri

From Giorgio to Henri

Correspondence, 2012
From Henri to Giorgio

From Henri to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Robert

From Giorgio to Robert

Correspondence, 2012
From Robert to Giorgio

From Robert to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Alberto

From Giorgio to Alberto

Correspondence, 2012
From Alberto  to Giorgio

From Alberto to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Coz’imo

From Giorgio to Coz’imo

Correspondence, 2012
From Coz’ma – Petrov’s son — named Vodkin … to Giorgio Morandi from Bologna-burg

From Coz’ma – Petrov’s son — named Vodkin … to Giorgio Morandi from Bologna-burg

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Pablo

From Giorgio to Pablo

Correspondence, 2012
From Pablo to Giorgio

From Pablo to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Raoul

From Giorgio to Raoul

Correspondence, 2012
From Raoul to Giorgio

From Raoul to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Maurice

From Giorgio to Maurice

Correspondence, 2012
From Maurice to Giorgio

From Maurice to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Vassili  to Giorgio

From Vassili to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Giorgio

From Giorgio to Giorgio

Correspondence, 2012
From Giorgio to Giorgio (answer)

From Giorgio to Giorgio (answer)

Correspondence, 2012



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