Double Thunder

Double Thunder

Broadside with a discharged sheet of designer paper 200 g. Left side - (serigraphy) silk-screening, Right side – offset.
The master illustrations of those big ones placed in the end of the book – are 1,5 x 1 m high. Drawing ink by flat brush a la prima. 2006-2009.
Binding (Cover)

Binding (Cover)

Powerful Gods, 2010
Thunder and Bird

Thunder and Bird

Powerful Gods, 2010
Frontispiece. Khmu, dressed as a Maiden-Bird

Frontispiece. Khmu, dressed as a Maiden-Bird

Powerful Gods, 2010
On the nature of ‘non-split-gutsies’. Symbols on stone. Thunder alphabet

On the nature of ‘non-split-gutsies’. Symbols on stone. Thunder alphabet

Powerful Gods, 2010
Thunder alphabet. The Bird is the Thunder daughter

Thunder alphabet. The Bird is the Thunder daughter

Powerful Gods, 2010



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