Thunder alphabet. The Bird is the Thunder daughter

Thunder alphabet. The Bird is the Thunder daughter

Broadside. Pages 84-85. Digital printing on fine colored paper
Maiden bird is a Powerful God. She is the sister of all birds and animals and strange flesh and fish and minor beasties.
Double Thunder

Double Thunder

Powerful Gods, 2010
Binding (Cover)

Binding (Cover)

Powerful Gods, 2010
Thunder and Bird

Thunder and Bird

Powerful Gods, 2010
Frontispiece. Khmu, dressed as a Maiden-Bird

Frontispiece. Khmu, dressed as a Maiden-Bird

Powerful Gods, 2010
On the nature of ‘non-split-gutsies’. Symbols on stone. Thunder alphabet

On the nature of ‘non-split-gutsies’. Symbols on stone. Thunder alphabet

Powerful Gods, 2010



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