On the nature of ‘non-split-gutsies’. Symbols on stone. Thunder alphabet

On the nature of ‘non-split-gutsies’. Symbols on stone. Thunder alphabet

Broadside. Pages 22-23. Offset on paper 120 g.
Processor Kwazemir Mladevich made three major discoveries. The so called ‘non-split-gutsies’ are being born in stagnant swamplands, in those cold parts with nasty weather and lack of sun. They evolve out of the ill thinking and despair of the locals. While it is not windy they are hanging there over the marshes and quietly pass away from boredom. Boredom and sorrow are very much like acid, they are cable of eroding anything… but thoughts – in the first place. Non-split-dutsies are not to be found over the dungeons; there despair and deep glooms are sort of balanced, and boredom devours mental wastes. “The Thunder alphabet – is probably the shape in-between of Cyrillic and Scandinavian runes. The letter forms are almost Cyrillic but there is a certain ornamentality and sort of scratchiness – perhaps that is a trace of Nordic nature.” If you are reading the text written in Thunder alphabet in Russian, for example, this means that the writer was thinking in Russian. The spelling rules of the Thunder alphabet differ considerably from the regular spelling. Rather they resemble hunting rituals or bewitching practices.
Double Thunder

Double Thunder

Powerful Gods, 2010
Binding (Cover)

Binding (Cover)

Powerful Gods, 2010
Thunder and Bird

Thunder and Bird

Powerful Gods, 2010
Frontispiece. Khmu, dressed as a Maiden-Bird

Frontispiece. Khmu, dressed as a Maiden-Bird

Powerful Gods, 2010
Thunder alphabet. The Bird is the Thunder daughter

Thunder alphabet. The Bird is the Thunder daughter

Powerful Gods, 2010



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