Format 100x70 and 70х50 cm. Printed on Fabriano paper (white, ivory) and Chromolux (golden, glassy)
Moscow in one word is my first map from MKAD to MKAD. From Moscow to the very outskirts of Moscow. On it, all the districts of the Mother See briefly talk about themselves — who has something to boast about. Who will show an intricate coat of arms, like Vykhino and Zhulebin. Who will shout a chant like Tushino. One will remember the glorious past, like ZIL or Mozhaika, the other is all from the future, like the City.And along the curb (not to be confused with the curb) runs a line about how we Muscovites perceive the world beyond the MKAD.The names on the map are not official, but as the people decided. I called, say, the people of the Kievskaya metro station a nod — please remember. Paveletskaya is our Pavlik, Pushkinskaya is a Cannon. Zyuzino — Zyuzya, the Bears are Witches. That's it. This map is actually a book about a strange settlement called the hero city of Moscow.
Literary Map of Moscow. English
Maps, 2011
Literary Map of Moscow. Russian.
Maps, 2013
My Moscow. The city map the way it is seen by Muscovites
Maps, 2013
Petersburg. From suburbs to the centre. The city speaking
Maps, 2014
Moscow Says
Maps, 2015
Moscow, The City of Artisans
Maps, 2017
Montenegro map
Maps, 2015
My Moscow. The city map the way it is seen by Muscovites. Second edition
Maps, 2019
Moscow in a hundred houses
Maps, 2020
Venice with a Russian accent
Maps, 2021
Venice with an English accent
Maps, 2021
Venezia con l'accento italiano
Maps, 2022
World of Chess in 150+ Openings
Maps, 2023
Berlin and Sirin. A literary game and a crossword puzzle
Maps, 2024
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